Divine Word University (DWU) in Madang province is now preparing for the 2025 Academic Year with registrations to begin on the 3rd-7th of February 2025.
President of DWU, Professor Father Philip Gibbs stated that registrations will be carried out for a week whereas for anyone who wishes to register after the scheduled registration dates will be considered a late registration.
“There are two sets of payment that students will have to pay to study, and that is the Tuition fees as well as the Board & Lodging fee (for residential students only).”
The On-Registration fee which comes under tuition fees, must be paid by all students by the 31st of January 2025 in order to register. Fr Gibbs said that the On-Registration fee is 70% of the full fee cost which is what the students must pay before the deadline.
In addition, Fr Gibbs made mention that the non-school leaver list is not yet available at this time, however, it should be posted early next week. Once it is out, the list will be posted on the university’s website.
Meanwhile, in terms of TESAS funds, Fr Gibbs confirmed that for last year, the university had received the second semester funds in November and December 2024 which was a total of one million eight hundred and thirteen thousand kina (K1, 813, 000).
He added that as for this year, the university will be able to allocate the funds for this year’s first semester once they get the names list from the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST).
“Currently, we do not know when we will receive TESAS funds for this year.”
To know more information regarding the 2025 Fee Schedule, students can access the DWU website.