Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa has called on the Government today during parliament session to immediately release K250, 000 to help assist the people in the Mulitaka LLG in the Enga Province.
He said, disaster is everyone’s responsibility and of the house of Parliament.
He said, K250, 000 is not enough and has urged both sides of the house to put money aside to help the people of this great nation when disaster strikes.
He also stated that, the people of Kiriwina Goodenough who were hit by a recent drought are still waiting on supplies of medical drugs to be airlifted to the islands in the Milne Bay province.
Meanwhile, West New Britain Governor Sasindran Muthuvel has suggested to the Prime Minister and Government to declare a three-day public holiday as a mourning period for the victims of the recent landslide in Mulitaka, Enga Province.
He also suggested using K110 million from government funds to help the affected communities quickly.
Muthuvel urged everyone to support each other and asked those blocking relief efforts to let aid reach the victims.
He further admitted that Parliament was slow to respond and said this should not happen again.