The Defence Rugby League Club will resume trainings for 2025 Port Moresby Rugby Season this month.
Head Coach Mr. Wesley Laveliu stated that the club will be resuming its first week of training on Monday 3rd of February.
“Trainings will start come this Monday and training start time is 4pm as usual, and the venue is at Murray Barracks.”
“All players are encouraged to come prepared and ready to give your best for this new season.”
Defence Rugby League Club also extends invitations to all interested players and new interested talents to join the club this season.
“This is a new season, and we want to make this count and a season to remember, thus we want to kick it off with enthusiasm and determination starting from training all the way to the start of the season on the field.”
Mr. Laveliu added that all are reminded that when coming for training all must wear proper training outfits and shoes, no jeans or other shorts are allowed, plus no slippers or being bare feet is allowed as it is important to be flexible and safe whilst on training.