Local Farmers and their root crop produce were the highlight of the City Pharmacy Limited’s Crop Festival celebrated on the weekend as they displayed proudly their crops for shoppers and by standers.
This Root Crop Festival is a month long initiative that was launched on Saturday and will end on the 28th of February, in support of local farmers who produce these roots vegetables.
This initiative will see all Stop N Shop outlets in the Nation’s Capital sell roots crops like sweet potatoes, Cassavas, taros, Carrots etc, produced by these hardworking farmers from the Brown River area and Sabusa in Central Province.
CPL Groups CEO Mr. Navin Raju said PNG farmers produce some of the best root vegetables that are sourced from the richest and most organic soils.
“The journey from the garden to the grocery bag is something we (CPL) cherish as we source them from throughout the country,” Mr. Raju said.
“Not only are we supporting these local farmers by buying their local roots crop produce but through this festival will create an avenue for these local farmers to network with other customers and potential clients as well.”
One farmer Max Suingi from Goilala who displayed his fresh produce of Cassava’s during this festival expressed his gratitude to CPL for their support throughout the years.

“I engaged myself with CPL after I heard that they were looking for local farmers to buy fresh produce from and I approached management and since then for the past two years I have not only supplied cassava but a variety of greens, pumpkins and any produce they need,” Mr. Suingi said.
“The support they give us words cannot express, they make it is very convenient and save our time when they buy our produce in bulk.”
“Our fresh produce is paid for immediately by SnS and we do not have to go sit at the markets and sell for days on end just to sell everything and make some money,” he added.
Stop N Shop supermarkets have been supporting local farmers throughout PNG for 6 years now since its inception in 2015.\