NCD Metropolitan Commander Superintendent Silva Sika said the City Wardens Initiative and Neighborhood Watch have greatly assisted police in keeping communities safe and wishes to have them continue on beyond the festive season.
“Going forward into the next year, we try to organize the project and spread that concept right across the city.” Said Met Sup Sika.
He said he plans to create a unit called the Neighborhood Watch Unit
“It will be directly hanging under the community policing department in the police force.”
“But we have to connect it properly and train them, properly equipped, give their roles and responsibilities and they can raise their profile so they can be recognized in the community.”
Sika said each community policing unit will be given proper duty statements, managed by our Police Station Commanders and zone commanders, and coordinated by regular police officers, raising the level of their power and authority.
He said they would identify competent persons among those groups from each neighbourhood and put them in charge of their respective groups.
Met Sup Sika said he would discuss this plan further with authorities and have it implemented.