Quaden Bayles, an indigenous Australian boy who won the support of celebrities and well-wishers around the globe after being bullied…
Kimbe Chief is the newest of 12 vessels in Consort’s fleet. Importantly, she has her own crane (30 tonne capability),…
Departing forward Viliame Kikau admits the prospect of leaving the Panthers has been made easier following confirmation Cameron Ciraldo will…
The National Gaming Control Board refutes claims on social media that NGCB will shut down Pacific Racing Betting Shops nationwide.…
PNG’s premier dance group “Wan Squad” finished 12th out of 42 teams in the World Hip Hop Dance Championships. The…
Porgera Secondary School students would be returning to the school to sit for their exams should the violence subside.High Schools…
The PNG Games Council has unanimously agreed to recall the 8th PNG Games from the Host Organizing Committee (HOC) Mendi,…
Queen Pads PNG is a locally owned SME that supplies locally made menstrual pads product to help young girls and…
New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan is going out to thank his voters for putting him back into office after…
Officers from Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) took part in Coral Planting on Sunday the 21st of August 2022.…