Caritas PNG launched its media contest called the Blessed Carlo Acutis Youth Media Competition, at the Catholic Bishops Conference, in Port Moresby on Monday.
Open to all Catholic Parish Youth Groups and Catholic students from secondary, tertiary, vocational and technical schools, this initiative under the theme: ‘Preparing our Youth for a Sustainable Future’s’ requires youths to use technology as well as their creativity to produce either a short video (portrait view), an original song, or an original comic strip for submission.
CPNG Communications Officer, Isabella Saleu highlighted the aims Caritas expects to achieve with the launching of this competition.
“We want young people to utilize technology especially social media as a tool for positive advocacy towards the masses and also for themselves.”
“Instead of us/people in authority telling youths what kind of future they should look forward to, we want the youths to tell us the kind of future they want.”
“We also want to promote our Catholic identity through this initiative.”
CBC’s Social Communications Officer Ahisha Mangot, expressed a positive outlook on technology and artificial intelligence stating that it has the potential to contribute to accomplishing the competition’s theme.
“One can only imagine the endless possibilities technology and communications has to offer young people, in regard to equipping them for a sustainable future.”
All submissions must be approved by the local Parish Priest (for youth groups) and Principals/Deans (for schools & institutions).
Prizes will be announced at a later date.
Entries close on August 15th, 2024.
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