BSP Group CEO Robin Fleming is among five Papua New Guineans who have been accorded the honorary title of Professor by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy for their contribution to the country as well as standing in the community.
UPNG Vice Chancellor Professor Frank Griffin announced this on Monday 3rd October 2022, during his opening remarks at the UPNG Human Resource (HR) Day, hosted by third year HR Management students from the School of Business & Public Policy.
The theme for the day was “Graduate readiness for the future of work’ and before the guest speaker, Mr Fleming, could give his keynote address to the students, Professor Griffin announced the recognition for the BSP Group CEO who has contributed 42 years of service in PNG.
“In any academic institutions especially in universities, the school/faculty have the option of appointing certain people in the public arena because of their expertise. Earlier this year the University of Papua New Guinea through the school of Business and Public Policy Senate agreed to appoint five distinguished Papua New Guineans because of their standing in public and what they have contributed to the country. Mr Fleming was among those put forward and the Senate approved to accord him the title Honorary Professor in Banking and
Finance,” Professor Griffin announced.

Humbled by the title, Mr Fleming thanked Vice Chancellor Griffin and UPNG for the recognition before proceeding to give his keynote address, in which he highlighted BSP’s Core Values to the students; Integrity, Quality, Professionalism, Leadership, Teamwork, Community and People – to the many attendees.
“Human Resources is all about people. Businesses is all about people. When I first commenced working the department responsible for our staff was called staff department, then personnel department, then human resources, and then many other variations including talent management. Over the years, various expert consultants have changed the name in ways which subtly removes people from the purpose of the function. .While the workplace of the future in 10 years’ time will be different from what we experience today, and will use
many different analytical and management tools, the purpose and reason of a Human Resources team will still be about our people. Human Resource and business is all about people and will remain about people,” Mr Fleming said.

“In the 46 years of my work life, 42 years spent in PNG, I’ve learnt many things; the first is never think the current theory or proposition of work and the workplace will continue to hold true. We have seen in recent years the experts tell us the workplace of the future, post Covid will change, adapting to technology like zoom without the need for interaction of staff in the workforce .
What that proposed change fails to tell us is that we are dealing with people. People need full interaction, need to be engaged in conversations and know whom they are working for and with.
Zoom is a temporary tool for communication but is not an effective mode for engagement with staff,” Mr Fleming added.
BSP was the platinum sponsor of the HR Day, supporting students with K10,000 that went towards staging the event.
On Friday 30th September, 2022, BSP Group GM for Human Resources, Ms Hari Rabura presented the cheque to the organizing committee.
She said BSP was pleased to support the event as such initiatives create opportunities for both the university and the potential employers to understand and work towards ensuring graduate readiness.