The recent launching of the Boera Tailoring Hub in the Central province also saw the successful completion of a month advanced tailoring and design training course with the graduation of 40 participants.
Through ExxonMobil’s support in the 1-month training, 20 singer sewing machines and 4 overlockers were acquired for the training and will serve as the foundation for the Boera Tailoring Hub and Garment factory.
The tailoring hub will produce school uniforms for village schools, ensuring that families no longer have to travel to the city to buy new sets.
Under the mentorship of PNG fashion designer Elizabeth Omeri of Denani Designs and artist Graham, participants from Porebada, Boera, Papa, and Lealea villages learned fabric printing, body measurements, pattern drafting, and sewing.
Advancing PNG: Women Leaders Network (APNGWLN) Executive Director, Cathy Alex said that just as the country is about to celebrate the 50th Independence anniversary of PNG, the 37 women and 3 courageous men have clearly demonstrated what self-reliant, and determination is and also chartering their path.
“We’ve been relying on school uniforms from what’s been given to us. The uniforms presented to us is a very necessary and essential steppingstone for this community.”
Cathy also acknowledged the support from ExxonMobil PNG, Denani Designs, Diari Tailoring and the four impacted villages and their community leaders. She said, since the inception of the tailoring facility in 2017, LABA has been providing transport services for the women.
APNGWLN Board Rep Hanua Hisiu said sewing and weaving are not new skills and with this industry still in the informal sector, needs some form of intervention.
ExxonMobil PNG LNG Assets Manager, Brent Dekar said this training is the beginning of their journey in contributing meaningfully to your communities.
“At ExxonMobil, we recognize the importance of contributing to the growth of PNG; therefore, we have invested in community development that will contribute heavily to economic growth and improve the lively hoods of each individual.
Our community investments are focused on creating sustainable benefits in education, law & justice, health, agriculture, the environment and opportunities for women.”
Mr. Dekar congratulated the graduands and encouraged them to make the most of the opportunity that’s been given to them to make a difference for them and their communities.
Meanwhile, talented fashion designer Elizabeth Omeri of Denani Designs said many of the women are born with the skill of sewing and with the training facilitated, it has helped them enhance the skill that is built and passed on from generations.
“Nothing is new, we are just building up on a skill that’s been passed down from generation and taking it to the next level because we are working to building a sustainable community.”
Elizabeth also congratulated the participation of the three males and the two youngest participants, 22-year-old Boio and Robinson of Papa village.
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