Author: PNG Haus Bung

Two Fijians who arrived from New Zealand last month are the latest confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Fiji, and both in border quarantine. The Health Ministry said the pair – aged 75 and 57 and whom live in Auckland – arrived at Nadi Airport on a repatriation flight from Auckland on 19 November. It was likely they contracted the virus on the flight from NZ as “they were both seated near a person who tested positive in border quarantine”, the ministry said. “They had both tested negative in Auckland, 72 hours before boarding the flight to Nadi, then tested negative…

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The people of Bougainville will go to the polls soon to elect a new member to represent them in the Papua New Guinea (PNG) National Parliament, after the Governor General, His Excellency Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae, issued the writs for the by-election yesterday in Port Moresby. The Bougainville Regional seat was left vacant after the then sitting member, Joe Lera, resigned to contest in the Bougainville Presidential Election this year. PNG Electoral Commission (PNGEC) Acting Commissioner, Mr. Simon Sinai said they are ready to go ahead with the by election after they were finally granted the initially K8million from…

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13-year-old Donny Tuka was born with Dwarfism, growing up hasn’t been easy for him, he was bullied ridiculed and recently whilst doing his grade 5 at a local school in Kavieng, the bullying got so bad that he dropped out of school. His adopted mum, Enlly Singan who has six kids of her own said that, Donny was a bright young teenager and even after leaving school he was still very much interested in learning new things. “My kids are all in High Schools now, so I brought Donny to leave with me, he is my younger cousin sister’s son.”…

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THE newly revamped Women National Soccer League will kick off its Round One matches at Sir Ignatius Kilage stadium in Lae and the PNG Football Stadium in Port Moresby respectively on Saturday. All Northern Conferences matches will be played at Sir Ignatius Kilage stadium for this weekend only to create awareness of women football while following weekend will see the home-and-away features. PNGFA president John Kapi Natto is likely to kick off the match at Sir Ignatius Kilage stadium to mark a new era of women’s football in the country. The women’s NSL was last played in 1990’s where Lae…

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Jeremy Damien Sapak, better known as DJ Dame in the local entertainment industry, will be launching his SME company called the Hitlist Entertainment next Friday 11December 2020. This SME is aimed at promoting and managing artists, selling shows and setting up a booking agency for both DJs and Artists that get signed. Sapak said, “The money made from the launching will help purchase necessary equipment that is required to operate efficiently throughout 2021 doing what we do best, providing entertainment at night clubs, parties and corporate events.” What inspired DJ Dame to start up his own company was being independent…

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The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) provide the authoritative global framework for the respective duties and responsibilities of governments and business enterprises to prevent and address business-related human rights abuses. They also offer a blueprint for how business respect for human rights can support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in line with international human rights standards. The Pacific region has made some progress in raising awareness about the UNGPs and promoting business respect for human rights. The OHCHR Regional Office for the Pacific and the UNWG, in collaboration with other partners, have organized…

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Bank South Pacific has reached new heights in its management – a 100% Papua New Guinean team now leads its Retail Strategic Business Unit. Daniel Faunt today (Wednesday 2nd December 2020,) takes on the helm of the bank’s biggest unit – Retail, as it’s Group General Manager following 40-year banking veteran Paul Thornton’s retirement. “I am delighted to commence as Group General Manager Retail today following Mr Thornton’s retirement.” “I thank Mr Thornton for leaving a fantastic legacy and am proud of the fact that with my appointment, for the first time in BSP’s history, the entire BSP Retail Team…

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The Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has reassured me of his support to the Bougainville peace process and the Post Referendum Consultations despite the failure to convene the Joint Supervisory Body Meeting last week. The Bougainville delegation that travelled to Port Moresby for the JSB last week was made up of members of my cabinet and the Bougainville Administration. We were also accompanied by several ABG MP’s and various stakeholders who are members of the Bougainville Post Referendum Consultations team. The convening of the JSB Meeting would have progressed the issues that the Prime Minister and I deliberated on during…

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Good news for 400 families of Sigatoka, Ba, Nadi and Lautoka as ANZ Fiji will donate $50 worth of redeemable food pack vouchers to them till the end of January next year. These vouchers are redeemable at any Shop and Save outlet where recipients can purchase basic necessities for their families. ANZ Fiji says they want to donate funds back into the community due to the impact of COVID-19 this year. They have thanked their partners, Loloma Home and Lautoka Ratepayers Association for helping them identify the families in need. Source: Fijivillage

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This feature is to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disability on 3 December Imagine having a speech and hearing impairment but eager to learn. This is the story of Anna – a happy young girl who attends Ragizumang Elementary School in rural Markham Valley, Morobe Province. Each day when school ends, Anna and her friends excitedly walk out of their classroom in groups of two and three. Despite her challenges Anna is always eager to be part of the games everyone is playing. Anna (left) takes part in a game of marbles. Her teacher Billy Akim’s moral conviction…

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