The Managing Director of Climate Change and Development Authority Mr Ruel Yamuna has been suspended over allegations of corruption and misconduct in office. The Minister for Environment, Conservation and Climate Change Hon Wera Mori has announced his suspension. Minister Mori said Climate Change is an important issue that cuts across all sectors of the economy and every aspects of life and ensuring transparent and accountable management and leadership in the office of the managing director for the CCDA was very fundamental. “Climate Change involves a lot of important partners and key stakeholders both within the country and abroad and as…
Author: PNG Haus Bung
A 57 year old female is the latest to be tested positive of Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in the National Capital District in the last 24 hours. She was detected at the Pacific International Hospital. At the time of testing she was experiencing fever and headache. NCD has recorded a total of 361 positive cases. Meanwhile, as cases are reported in NCD and other centres, Controller of the National Pandemic Response, David Manning has called on all citizens to adhere to new normal save themselves, their families and communities. The measures in the new normal calls on citizens to: Wear a…
A 57 year old female is the latest to be tested positive of Coronavirus disease ( Covid 19) in the National Capital District. She was detected at the Pacific International Hospital. At the time of testing she was experiencing fever and headache. NCD has recorded a total of 361 positive cases while PNG’s total is now at 721. Keep to your COVID-19 safety practices, listen in to the news on this station or follow our website for more on this story.
42 Teacher-librarians from Buk Bilong Pikinini’s Library Learning Centres across the country will attend a week-long Digital Training program from the 14-18th of December. The digital training program and associated website has been developed in partnership with Deloitte and Deloitte Digital and is valued at more than $100,000. The website will ensure that the teachers can access the new website to continue their training on a needs-basis and will be open for everyone to access. All BbP’s Library Learning Centres will see the implementation of a new Digital Learning Program in 2021 for the enrolled 5-year-old children. BbP’s teacher training…
The NRL has announced several rule changes for the 2021 Telstra Premiership season to make the game “faster, more free-flowing, entertaining and unpredictable”. The changes are: the introduction of a two-point field goal for kicks taken from more than 40 metres out;six-again to be called for 10-metre infringements;penalties for teams if they leave a scrum before a referee calls “break”;a play-the-ball restart if the ball or player with the ball goes over the sideline;The Bunker will now review replays after an on-field referee awards a try but a conversion attempt will not be allowed until it gets the green light;injured…
Medical experts advising the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have recommended emergency approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine. The decision comes after a 23-member panel met to determine whether the drug’s benefits outweigh the risks. The Pfizer vaccine has already been approved for the public in the UK, Canada, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. The drug still needs to be formally approved by the FDA’s vaccine chief, which is expected in the coming days. The recommendation comes a day after the US recorded more than 3,000 deaths in the latest 24-hour period – the highest total in a single day…
Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama has raised the question on where is the bi-partisanship in the opposition as the National Federation Party was not even part of the decision making process to choose the next Leader of Opposition. Bainimarama has also said in parliament that former Opposition Leader, Sitiveni Rabuka did not sacrifice his seat for anyone but he has abandoned his post. The Prime Minister says Rabuka left his party and also left SODELPA’s leadership bitterly divided. Bainimarama says those who are left in parliament and are still praising Rabuka after his departure should do the honourable thing – leave…
Papua New Guinea has recorded its eighth death from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in a 49-year-old male from West New Britain. The deceased had abdominal pains, cough, headache and shortness of breath that started on 4th December. He passed away on 8 December. Papua New Guinea has now recorded a total of 720 COVID-19 cases, with 36 new cases reported in the last 48 hours. Thirty-five of the new cases are from West New Britain (WNB) whilst the National Capital District (NCD) had one new case. Among the new cases reported in WNB, 34 are from Talasea District while one case…
PNG has recorded its 8th COVID-19 related death in a 49 or old man from WNB. He passed away on Dec 8th. Total confirmed COVID-19 cases for PNG stands at 720 cases with 36 in the last 48 hours. Keep to your COVID19 safety practises, listen in to the news on this station or follow our website for more on this story.
A member of Tonga’s parliament has filed a motion for a vote of no confidence in the prime minister, Pohiva Tu’i’onetoa. It was submitted on Thursday by the People’s Representative for Tongatapu 2, Semisi Sika, and signed by 10 MPs. Because it came on the last sitting day of parliament for the year the Speaker, Lord Fakafanua, ruled that a tentative date for the motion to be tabled in the house would be the next sitting day, 12 January 2021. Fakafanua ruled it complied with constitutional requirements and that it must be tabled between 5 and 14 working days after…