Friday 1st April 2022 marked the 35th graduation ceremony for the 2021 graduating class of Port Moresby Business College at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby. Port Moresby Business College Principal Mrs Carmela Mokulabeta congratulated the 539 graduands on completing their respective diploma courses. She said it is only fitting to celebrate the 2 years of hard work and effort each student has put in to make it this far. “Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not easy for the students and the teaching staff of Port Moresby Business College but they all pulled through and have…
Author: Paula DAVID
Being the first university in the Pacific to have a 3D technology called the Anatomage Table, president of the Divine Word University Fr Philip Gibbs says he is proud that his students now have the privilege to have such technology to work with. He said normally at a medical school, they use corpses most especially of pigs where they learn to operate on them but at some stage they have to start working on human bodies. Fr Gibbs said that it is very difficult to find human bodies to work with especially in PNG because families don’t like to donate…
Isolated rural elementary and primary schools in Sogeri especially those far from road access will by the end of this month or the first week of May receive books through the Sogeri Hikers & Adventures “Book Drive”. Founder for Sogeri Hikers & Adventures Mr Kevin Rau said, after his first donation to Kododa, he saw a great need for books for schools up in Sogeri including Iarowari Technical Secondary School where his team will have a 3day hike to deliver the books. “You can help by donating new or gentle used (age appropriate) children books for preschool to grade 10”.…
The UPNG ENB Students Association will be hosting its’ first mini ENB Night for the year to raise funds towards their end of year Book Drive Project and also towards supporting the welfare of the ENB students on campus. UPNG ENB Students Association President Mr Joachim Lolok said the Night is scheduled for the 22nd of April at Club Illusions and all are welcome to come and support the cause. “Due to the result of most students back home not making it into tertiary institutions; the funds raised will go towards transporting the books over to ENB after receive them…
Little Franko Barnabas only 10 years of age from Lese Oalai, a small village in Gulf province went missing around 2:30pm on Thursday 24th of March 2022 at Gordons in the Nation’s Capital. Jenny Toivita the mother of the missing boy says she brought in her 3 sons from the village because they were sick and took them to Gerehu General Hospital to seek medical treatment however it has only been two weeks into her visit and she has lost her son. Ms Toivata said they are simple village folks and her kids know very little of the city and…
Kavieng Hospital in the New Ireland Province has been running without a CEO since last year. Dr Alex Wangnapi, the former CEO for Kavieng Hospital said, since his contract ended and his suspension without reason on the 10th February 2021, no appointments have been made yet. His suspension is still in place however no chargers have been laid against him yet. Mr Wangnapi is calling on NDOH and the Department of Personal Management to see through this incident that has happened within the Hospital board of management. Furthermore, Mr Wangnapi stated that he is not pleased with NDOH trying to…