Author: Paula DAVID

The University of Goroka will soon expand its centers to Manus, East New Britain, Gulf and Western province with the aim to produce quality teachers for better and quality education to be taught in the country. Vice Chancellor Dr Teng Waninga said, they currently have 18 centers within the country and one of the main focus of the UOG Council and top management is to observe the remaining students who cannot make it into the system and provide a way forward for them to continue their studies in their own provinces. This comes after the UOG Council announced that it…

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 The NCD Governor Powes Parkop has given his assurance the issue of ethnic clashes in the city will be addressed today . This follows an ethnic clash at Kennedy Estate some 15 minutes outside of the Port Moresby city earlier this week. Governor Parkop in his first public engagement since his hospitalization and recovery said, it’s important to find a mechanism to overcome all these ethnic clashes because we are in the capital city and these sort of things should not be witnessed in the heart of the country. “This will be my key message today when we will commemorate…

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Its business as usual for St. John Ambulance operations in the city. The ambulance service continued daily operational runs as normal throughout the nation-wide fuel crisis that reached its peak on Monday. SJA Director of Operations Support, Monni Cross said they are monitoring fuel supply closely and will adjust operations as and when needed. Mr. Cross said they will continue to operate and will always be on the road attending to emergencies amidst the fuel situation with backup fuel still available for their operations.  “We have reviewed the fuel levels and are managing our supply.  We are rationing our emergency…

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The mad rush for fuel in the nations capital, Port Moresby, is reaching new heights with motor vehicle owners especially public transport qeueing up with extra drums and containers at service stations. Taxis and PMV buses were seen filling up their fuel tanks as well as two or more containers to avoid the risk of running out of fuel to continue providing transportation services to the people of NCD. A local bus crew that runs the Gordon’s to 9 mile route confirmed that his bus refilled two extra 20 litre containers of fuel to keep his bus going until or…

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After many complaints from political leaders about the University Of Goroka (UOG) not doing its mandated job to teach, train and produce quality teachers, UOG is now refocusing its strategic directives to focus more on producing quality teachers. Vice Chancellor Dr. Teng Waninga says, operating for 26 years now as a specialized teacher education institution in the country comes with a great responsibility to produce quality teachers so that they bring quality back into the schools they go to and teach. He said, this major restructure model is called 3+1 which means that students will do 3 years of content…

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Unable to access the much needed learning materials when growing up in Lae, Shane Chinau founder of Chayil Information Technology aims to provide the best E-learning resources for students who have limited access to resourceful materials in schools even in remote areas. According to Director Shane Chinau, Chayil Information Technology is a 100% PNG owned ICT Company established in 2014 that is based in Lae, Morobe province. He said, they are more focused on educational services to better students learning across the country. Currently, they have installed e-library services in 37 locations in the country in different schools. “We have…

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The National Aids Council Secretariat (NACS) is preparing to carry out more awareness programs, testing, care and support in the provinces this year as HIV/AIDS prevalence continues to increase in the country. Per statistics provided last year on HIV/AIDS, the total number had increased to over 59, 000 cases last year from the year 2021. Acting Secretariat Mr. Tony Lupiwa, said they will be engaging the Provincial Health Authorities (PHA) nationwide to carry out more educational awareness on HIV/AIDS this month. He said after the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is signed, prevention work will kick off starting with Enga and…

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The Port Moresby General Hospital’s Emergency Department has just confirmed that they did not receive any reports of a body which was found in a Blue Mazda BT50 vehicle parked outside the gates of PMGH. Port Moresby General Hospital Specialist Emergency Physician and Chief Medical Officer of St John Ambulance Dr. Mangu Kendino said, they have not received any reports of the dead body from their operations last night and this morning. According to by-standers, the vehicle was dropped off last night (11/01/2023) with the body inside the trailer of the vehicle and the person driving the vehicle fled in…

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Classes for this year’s academic year for students attending the University Of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) will start in February. Acting Registrar Mr. Roboam Kakap said that classes for this year will start on the 13th of February; however, for all first (1st) year students, they will start a bit early on the 29th-30th of January prior to orientation and for the students to settle in and get ready for the new academic year. He also said that apart from the main campus, the UPNG Medical School will also start early, which is on the third (3rd) week of January…

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It was a sad scene as unclaimed bodies of both adults and children were being moved to two awaiting vehicles that transported them from the Port Moresby General Hospital Mortuary to 9 mile cemetery this morning to be buried en masse. A total of 79 bodies and 48 amputated body parts were laid to rest today at the 9 mile cemetery. According to the Morgue Attendant Angus Davis, out of the 79 bodies that were buried today, 48 were adults, 31 infants/children and another 48 were amputated (cut off body parts). All 31 infants who were buried where straight from…

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