Porgera is in full panic mode as a full out tribal war erupted between two rival tribes affecting the learning at the Porgera Secondary School. The Deputy Principle of the school, Mr. Amos Amail has advised that even though there is security personnel from the Papua New Guinea Defense Force patrolling the area, movement of students to and from school has been strained. “Even though defense force personnel are around, with are still fearing for our lives because the warring tribes are still out there, roaming the streets,” Mr. Amail said. Mr. Amail remarked that despite the clashes, students were…
Author: Nigel-Francis MADO
Madang Province is bracing itself for a major Whooping cough influx. The province is making provisions to try to restock their anti-biotic inventory with but due to poor logistics and delays in drug supply, the immunization coverage is low. The Director of the Madang Provincial Health Authority [PHA], Dr. Mantin Daimen has advised that it is highly likely that the influx will be nationwide. “We in Madang are bracing ourselves to combat this disease and are expecting a high number of cases,” Dr. Daimen said. Whooping cough, also known as pertussis or the 100-day cough, is a highly contagious bacterial…
The Equal Playing Field culminated its 5 week community program facilitated by the University Action Group recently with the graduation ceremony in Port Moresby on the weekend. The graduation saw 24 participants from the Mahuru Village in the Moresby-South electorate receive certificates for participating in the program. The program, with its last session on Saturday focused on building up youth capacity and helping young men and women, whom have been victims of abuse to reach out and find help. The Equal Field Program Manager Desmond Goru expressed thanks to the Mahuru Village for allowing them to run the program with…
The public has expressed sympathy towards the family of the Late Deputy Prime Minister and Bulolo MP, Sam Basil after the fatal accident that claimed his life and the life of his Close Protection Officer two days ago. So much has happened in the last two days and as the Royal Papua New Guinea Police Constabulary looks into the DPM’s untimely death, the general public has also expressed concern over the slack security profile the MP had that fateful night. “To lose an MP this way was heart breaking and the first of its kind,” said Pariak, a member of…
The Sanap Wantaim Campaign has gone a long way since its foundation in 2016 and since then has gone great lengths to dissolve barriers that hinder young men and women from reaching much needed help from service providers that provide assistance to survivors Gender Based Violence and social issues throughout the country. The Sanap Wantaim Campaign is an initiative that aims to promote Gender equality, and equal opportunities for young women and aims to end Gender based Violence. According to Sanap Wantaim member and Youth Coordinator, Joanna Oala, youth volunteers will now be able to have reliable information to disseminate…