The Mt Bosavi region is located bordering Gulf, Western, Southern Highlands and Hela provinces. The Mt. Bosavi Region encompasses about two million acres of virgin rainforest. where the indigenous residents of the region’s widely scattered amongst 28 villages. Usually in seclusion and away from public eye, the area has now become the centre of widespread attention; both local and international following the recent abduction of a research group days ago. Locals in the Mt Bosavi Region living around the area where the hostages were being held are also attempting to communicate with the kidnappers to release the hostages. That’s according…
Author: Kerebi DAVID
People in the Southern Region of Papua New Guinea (PNG) will continue to experience heavy rains despite the country now moving towards the Autumn season. The Director for the National Weather Service, Mr. Jimmy Gomoga, mentioned that the country has gone past summer period and is heading into the autumn season and by the end of March, autumn kicks in. He explained that due to the transitional change in the climate, the Southern parts of the country will continue to experience above average rainfalls then the rest of the country. “While the Southern part of the country will be wetter,…
Students from Sol-Nomane Karimui (SNK) District in Simbu Province who are attending various tertiary institutions in the country will have their school fee issues sorted out with assistance from their local member, Francis Alua. Francis Alua has allocated a fund of K2million as school fee assistance that will go towards helping students who are struggling with tuition and boarding fees. Mr. Andrew McCarthy from the office of SNK District stated that Alua also refuted an article in one of the daily newspapers this week that stated that his office did not allocated K12 million, saying that the information was wrong.…
Western Highlands Province is now seeing Talapia and Trout fish hitting its markets and supermarkets all because of the increase in freshwater fish farming in the province. Provincial Livestock and Fisheries Manager for Western Highlands Mr. Kevin Nemba said that for the past 2 years the National Fisheries Authority (NFA) has been very supportive towards fish farming projects in the Province, thus resulting in the boom of fresh water fish farming. “We have fish farms in all four districts in the province with focus on two main types of fish, Talapia and Trout,” said Mr. Nemba. “As for Trout we…
The Mount Bosavi Region aims to become an Agriculture Hub for PNG, with many agriculture projects coming up this year through Mt Bosavi Sustainable Agriculture Development Initiative (SADI). Chairman for Mt Bosavi SADI, Mr Andrew Awabi highlighted that Mt Bosavi SADI is planning on turning garden plots and sustainable agriculture for food security into cash crop farms. “During the festive period, the people of Mt Bosavi were given both theory and practical trainings on various agriculture projects and by February we are looking at running our 2nd training.” “By early February 2023, Mt Bosavi SADI will be conducting trainings on…
A boat from Baluan Island, which left Loniu Bridge in Lorengau Town late on Friday night that never made in to back Baluan Island, was found with all its passengers and crew safe and sound. After receiving words from families at Baluan Island that the boat never arrived on the island last night, Mr. Bab Korup, the person behind the search and rescue team, sent out alert message and called for a search party. Mr. Korup said a search party was sent out this morning to find the missing boat, however they received words that the boat was found on…
The country will be expecting cyclone conditions especially with the mild La- Nina conditions experienced in the waters around Papua New Guine (PNG) and the Western Pacific region. The PNG National Weather Service Director Mr. Jimmy Gomoga stated that there will be many tropical cyclones expected to form around the Coral Sea and the Solomon Sea. “When tropical cyclone hits, we will see its impacts on the southern coastal parts right up to the tip of Papua New Guinea in Milne Bay Province,” said Mr. Gomoga. “People should now be looking out for warnings because we are already in the…
Wet Season in the country is now in full swing with more rainfall to be experienced in the Southern Region. That is according to the National Weather Service Director Mr Jimmy Gomoga who said the Wet Season in the country kicked off in early November and in full swing by the 12th December. Right now we are in the summer season and also in the full swing of the wet season. “The North West Monsoon has fully established itself across the country with the North West winds coming in strong over the last few weeks, thus this has caused a…
For the first time, changes have been made to the NCD Governors Cup Challenge and these changes will come into effect in this year’s Cup Challenge when it starts next week. NCD Governor’s Cup Tournament Director Mrs. Wendina Kohun confirmed that this year’s event will have two phases to it. The first phase will be the normal rugby league 13s competition, which will run from the 16th -19th December 2022. “Right after the usual 13s Rugby League NCD Governor’s Cup challenge, phase two will kick in on the 27th -30th of December 2022,” said Mrs. Kohun. She further explained that…
Twelve new board members of the Porgera Local Level Government Special Authority have taken up their office after they were sworn in yesterday under Section 45 (4) of the Local Level Government (LLG) Authority Act, 1997 and the Constitution of Porgera LLG Special Purpose Authority (Porgera Development Authority-PDA) The ceremony was witness by LLG presidents of the 4 LLGs in Porgera Paiela District including members of the LLG Administration office, First Secretary to Minister for Provincial and Local Level Affairs, stakeholders, Porgera SML Landowners and other guests. Speaking before the official swearing in of the board members, Porgera District Administrator…