Author: Kerebi DAVID

PNG Power’s much needed technical equipment to complete installation works for its new Edevu Hydro Power Station and the Moitaka Sub Station have finally arrived in Port Moresby, directly from Shenzhen, China last night (Sunday 20th August 2023). A Boeing 767 cargo freighter loaded with close to 100 tons of PNG Power cargoes, mostly Switching Gears and Control Panels, landed safely on a four (4) hour direct flight, it is said to be the first of its kind. State Enterprise Minister William Duma, China’s Ambassador to PNG Mr Zeng Fanhua, KCH Board and Management team, Air Niugini and NAC as…

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Chimbu, Hela and Southern Highlands Province continue to remain under Drought Watch and these provinces will be on a three months’ timescale watch. The National Weather Service reveals that Southern Highlands is at Drought Watch with severe vulnerability and exposure levels. At this stage, El Nino Alert also continues, and the Climate Models suggest that a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event is likely to develop by early September and the impacts tend to be more extreme when El Nino events are compounded with a positive IOD event. Right now, the National Weather Office has pointed out that drought critical…

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Ocean clean-up crews have fished out the most trash ever taken from one of the largest garbage patches in the world. The Ocean Cleanup, a nonprofit environmental engineering organization, saw its largest extraction earlier this month by removing about 25,000 pounds of trash from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Alex Tobin, head of public relations and media for the organisation, told ABC News. The vessels are currently on the way back to port in Victoria, British Columbia, after having collected about 50 tons of garbage in four weeks, Tobin said. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an enormous pile of floating…

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PNG Power Limited is advising its valued customers and the public in Port Moresby that they will be undertaking an important maintenance work under the Rouna 1 Rehabilitation Project this weekend. This project is part of the Port Moresby Grid Development Project and work will begin from 12.00 am (midnight) Saturday, August 19, 2023, to 12.00 am (midnight), Monday, August 21, 2023, and will affect the water supply in NCD. However, PPL anticipates that it will not affect the power supply in NCD. This critical work will involve cutting and blanking off the current shared pipeline between PNG Power Ltd…

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Nawaeb District is one of the first districts in the country to present its acquittal reports for District Support Grants 2022 to the Department of Implementation and Rural Development (DRID). Nawaeb MP Hon Theo Pelgen and CEO Mr Buds Botikie made the presentation in Port Moresby recently after the Parliament Session to DRID Secretary Mr Ahi Vaki and officers of DRID. The report was compiled by the Nawaeb District Administration team under the careful guidance of CEO Botikie. MP Pelgen said although the DSG 2022 funds were utilized by the former MP, through his leadership he believes in transparency and…

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PNG Power is undertaking major maintenance work to improve power generation, transmission, distribution, and reliability within the Port Moresby Grid. PPL’s Port Moresby Power Grid Development Project is to maintain power reliability, quantity, and affordable electricity supply to its customers in Port Moresby and parts of Central province. Maintaining quality and reliable power supply security is one of the core focus areas of PNG Power and Port Moresby’s Central Business District is one of the main target areas. Two new 11kilo Vaults Express Feeder lines will be constructed, which will take power from the new Kilakila substation, relieving the current…

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PNG Power staff and police in Popondetta in a combined operation recently have made an arrest on an unlicensed electrician. The suspect Gabriel Afuma, 42 from Mabututu village in the Sohe District of Oro Province, is in police custody and has been charged under the PNG Electricity Industry Act, for tampering with electricity lines, preventing a meter from properly registering the quantity of electricity supplied. This offence has a fine not exceeding K1000, or an imprisonment term of not more than 3 years and the suspect has appeared before the Popondetta District Court on Wednesday, 16th August, 2023. PNG Power…

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Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) commends the Enga Show Committee for successfully staging last weekend’s cultural show which was held from the 11th -12th of August. CCEP Commercial and Sales Director Tim Solly echoed the sentiments as a Diamond sponsor of the cultural show. Despite Major Law and Order issues and major tribal fights in the province over the previous months, the Enga Show attracted more than 10 thousand people into Wabag town, a turnout that was not expected. “We have received nothing but praise from the positive impact the show has had over the two days, and this of course…

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Two PNG Kickboxers Thomas Kagili and Nelson Samson Wailo put up an extra ordinary challenge against their opponents over the weekend in North Miami State Town Hall, in Florida USA in the International Kickboxing Championship. Fighter Thomas Kagili nickname as the Spiderman was the first PNG male fighter who took on a 6 foot opponent, Mr Seyi Banjoko from UK. PNG Kick boxing President and Head Coach Stanley Nandex, The Head-hunter stated that Thomas took the fight with so much power punishing the opponent. “Thomas outclassed his opponent in the first round but the UK fighter came very strong in…

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Australia’s Ambassador for Gender Equality, Ms Stephanie Copus Campbell joined a gender equality roundtable chaired by PNG’s Department of Community Development and Religion Acting Deputy Secretary, Ms Karen Haive at the Hilton Hotel in Port Moresby on today, 15th August 2023. The dialogue brought together representatives from PNG government, the development sector, and civil society for dialogue on gender equality in PNG. Following the release of the PNG Government’s gender equality plans and targets for the next five years under the Medium-Term Development Plan IV, 2023 to 2027 (MTDP), the roundtable enabled gender equality representatives in PNG to meet and…

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