Author: Joshua ARLO

Prime Minister James Marape announced plans to deliver a comprehensive report in Parliament when it resumes next month, on how his government has been alleviating the economic burden from Papua New Guineans across the country. “Next month May will make it my fifth year in office. “When Parliament resumes then, I will present a statistical report to the country that will cover the economy, health, education, infrastructure, law & order, and everything we have done so far.” Marape affirmed that his government remains tirelessly committed to easing the struggles of the populace and ensuring the country’s economic stability. “We do…

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Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko has released a statement reiterating his utmost appreciation to his counterpart from the People’s Republic of China, Wang Yi, over their recent bilateral meet in Port Moresby this month. He also reassured PNG’s commitment to China. “I want to take this opportunity to reassure Foreign Minister Wang Yi of Papua New Guinea’s support to the ‘One China’ policy since both countries established diplomatic relations in 1976, which has been the cornerstone of PNG-China relations, and will be maintained going forward.” “I want to acknowledge and encourage China’s continued support in its implementation of Chinese Government…

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The Minister for Labour and Employment, Kessy Sawang, and Minister for Administrative Services, Richard Masere jointly announced the country’s first-ever Labor Force Survey will be conducted in the last quarter of 2024. This follows an agreement between the two on Thursday, April 18 2024 to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a few weeks to put in place a framework for collaboration towards enhancing labour market statistics and data-sharing agreements between the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and the National Statistics Office. This MOU will facilitate current and timely insights into labour market conditions, the development of actionable…

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A statement issued yesterday from Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko has conveyed his regret over recent comments by US President Joe Biden relating to the latter’s ‘cannibal’ remarks attributed to PNG. The US president’s comments suggesting his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals in PNG during the Second World War have gone viral, sparking public debate on social media and in PNG politics. “It’s rather unfortunate that President Biden’s remarks are not supported by official documents held within the US military and the State Department.” “PNG- US relations have seen developments for better and stronger ties on the bilateral…

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The Holy See, Pope Francis, will be accorded a 21-gun salute, guard of honor and respect when he visits PNG in September. Preparations have been ongoing since January, according to Foreign Affairs Minister, Justin Tkatchenko, who is also responsible for National Events. He said an inter-government agencies committee has been working to ensure preparations for the week-long visit is a success, and memorable. Pope Francis will be the second pontiff to visit PNG; Pope John Paul II was the first Head of the Catholic Church to visit PNG twice in 1984 and 1995. In a statement, Minister Tkatchenko also highlighted…

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In a significant move in the fight against drug trafficking and abuse, and strategies to maintain public safety, the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) has introduced the use of a state-of-the-art technology, the TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer device. A statement released recently from the office of the Commissioner of Police, David Manning, further revealed that this new cutting-edge technology, is a portable drug testing device, about 10 cm long, weighing less than a kilogram, which can provide instant results when used to test suspected illegal drugs. Commissioner Manning said the device is being deployed nationwide for police to use…

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PNG has received the green light for its agricultural produce to enter China, as both countries look into expanding trade relations. This follows an announcement by Prime Minister James Marape about China lifting all biosecurity issues on PNG’s agricultural produce. The significant revelation was made during the closing ceremony of the two-day Department of Agriculture and Subsector Agencies Meeting held in Port Moresby on Friday, April 12, 2024. He describes it as a ‘landmark development’ that now ‘signifies a new era of opportunity for Papua New Guinea’s agricultural sector, opening doors to expanded trade relations with one of the world’s…

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Gulf police are the first provincial police command to have successfully implemented the new Controlled Substances Act, with Provincial Police Commander Chief Inspector Jeffrey Lemb highlighting its severe penalties, leading to recent convictions of 12 drug dealers sentenced to 30 years each by the Kerema District Court. “Unlike previous drug laws, this one carries penalties rivalling those of rape and murder.” “On this occasion, seven people go 30 years each for conveying huge amounts of marijuana.” This marks a significant crackdown on drug offenses, with previous convictions totalling over 300 years, underscoring the province’s commitment to combating drug-related crime. In…

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Twelve drug dealers, caught in Kikori, Gulf Province, are each serving a 30-year jail term after being sentenced under the Controlled Substances Act of 2021. Gulf Provincial Police Commander Chief Inspector Jeffrey Lemb said the drug dealers were all caught between January 26 and March 1 this year by Kikori police. He said they were all convicted and sentenced by the Kerema District Court on various drug offences ranging from ranging from facilitating, conveying, or transporting to selling and distributing controlled substances – marijuana (cannabis sativa). Of the 12 suspects, five (5) were charged for selling and distributing controlled substances;…

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“More gun control action is needed to address the growing issue of national gun-related violence in the country.” This has been highlighted by Prime Minister James Marape and conveyed by Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko at the recent opening of the National Workshop on Coordination Mechanisms and Comprehensive National Strategy on Small Arms Control in Port Moresby. The Minister said there is great need for outcomes and action on National Gun Violence issues, when affirming political will to do so from the government as a result of assertions of instances of political sponsorship of weapons. “It is the big issue…

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