Author: Joshua ARLO

The Media Council of Papua New Guinea (MCPNG) launched its signature PNG Media Awards on Friday 10th May in Port Moresby city. This time, this cornerstone event, which promotes and honors the highest standards of journalism and media excellence in the country, has diversified its award categories to cater to the ever-evolving ‘media’, highlighting inclusiveness in both traditional media or press platforms, and the dominant on-line media presence in the country. MCPNG President, Neville Choi said the awards will cover Journalism, Radio, Television, Print, Online, and Special awards. “The awards are a beacon of encouragement for journalists and media to…

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Work has begun on the new Australian-funded K100 million police housing project in the country, starting first in the National Capital District and Western Highlands Province, following separate ground breaking ceremonies at Gordons Barracks in Port Moresby on Thursday, May 10th, and at Kimininga Barracks in Mt. Hagen on Monday, May 6th. Police Commissioner David Manning, on both occasions, said the new housing project, funded by an Australian investment of $37 million, is vital for rebuilding efforts of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC). He said the Constabulary is growing at a fast rate, anticipated to reach over 10,…

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Finalists for the prestigious SP Sports Awards (SPSA) for 2024 have been announced today (Thursday, May 9) in Port Moresby, and veteran female heavy-weight lifter, and Olympian, Dika Toua stands among those final 33. Toua, the 49kg athlete, who in April had narrowly missed qualifying for a spot in the Paris Olympics, dashing hopes for a sixth Olympic appearance, is one of the three named finalists for the Female Athlete of the Year award. Alongside is tennis star, Abigail Tere-Apisah which a colourful tennis career, and Rachel Laing, the inspirational 62-year athletics sprinter, who is currently preparing for the World…

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Three judges, with substantive appointments to the National and Supreme Court benches in the PNG Judiciary, along with the new acting Solicitor-General E’ava Geita were sworn into office today before the Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae at Government House in Port Moresby. The three judges – two females and one male – are from a group of five judges recently appointed by the Judicial and Legal Services Commission (JLSC). They are expatriate judges, Justices Karen Carmody and Stephen Patrick Coates who have a three-year term on the bench, and a national who was formerly a magistrate, and recently been an acting…

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PNG citizens are once again being urged by Prime Minister James Marape to shift from a mentality of dependency to self-reliance. The call was made during the launch of the Nipa-Kutubu District Development Plan 2023-2027 on Friday, May 3 at Nipa station. “You must stop this mentality of expecting money and claiming compensation from projects and or road construction.” He emphasised the short-term benefit of such expectations, noting, “The money you get will before short-term use, and services will still be lacking, and you will continue to live in the dark.”’ Prime Minister Marape strongly discouraged the constituents from approaching…

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Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso has reaffirmed the Marape-Rosso Government’s commitment to support the Solomon Islands, urging the country’s Prime Minister-elect to finalize pending mutual agreements. Hand-delivering a congratulatory letter from Prime Minister James Marape to the new Solomon Islands Prime Minister on Friday, May 3, at the Government Office in Honiara, Deputy Prime Minister Rosso also extended his personal congratulations to Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele. “Prime Minister Manele, congratulations on your election into office as the 13th Prime Minister of the 12th Parliament of the Solomon Islands.” “On behalf of the Government and the people of Papua New Guinea…

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The state-of-the-art Butukua Academy in NCD has another milestone development in progress – the construction of staff houses. Already the groundworks for the new six teacher’s residences project has started, with its completion anticipated for June 2024. On Saturday 27 April 2024, the actual ground-breaking ceremony was officiated by Moresby South MP and Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko, witnessed by NCD Governor Powes Parkop, Chinese Ambassador His Excellency Zeng Fanhua, Shenzhen City Representative LI Pu, and Chairperson of the school board, Lady Ni Cragnollni. The school, located in the Moresby-South electorate of NCD, is a symbol of the PNG-China friendship,…

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It was an occasion for celebration as the Tainalederea Netball Association held a huge launch for their 2024 season competitions, attended by their local Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko on Saturday 27 April 2024. This mostly Kerema section of Vabukori village in the Moresby South electorate of NCD has experienced what sport can do for their community. Apart from the local MP, who is also Minister for Foreign Affairs and also responsible for National Events, the launch was graced with the presence of the pioneers of the association who initiated it some 20-odd years ago. Today, the youngest players are…

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Mining Minister Muguwa Dilu has stressed the importance of wrapping up negotiations for the Porgera Mining Project’s Community Development Agreement (CDA), as it is a top priority for the Marape-Rosso Government. Dilu urged all involved parties – landowners, impacted communities, and stakeholders of the Porgera Mining Project – to expedite the process, “so that they could start receiving benefits, aiming to kick-start benefits swiftly.” He announced the CDA-proper talks are scheduled for May 15-30, 2024, and once completed, will pave the way for the mine to go into full operations. Dilu emphasized the need for cooperation and adherence to laws…

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The economy is poised for more positive growth with K1.2 billion foreign direct investments (FDIs) into Special Economic Zones (SEZs), according to Prime Minister (PNG) James Marape. “I am pleased to announce that SEZs have already attracted K1.2 billion in FDIs through the K700 million Radisson Blu branded hotel on Paga Hill SEZ, and the K540 million Central Lime Project (CLP) Single-Factory SEZ at Kido in Central Province.” The prime minister attributed this to diligent efforts by International Trade and Investment Minister Richard Maru and the Special Economic Zone Authority (SEZA) in securing these investments SEZA, a flagship initiative by…

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