Author: Joshua ARLO

The United States of America has assured PNG of its support towards emergency and rescue efforts in the Porgera District of Enga Province, following the massive landslide that has claimed close to 200 people so far. Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko has welcomed this support and commitment by the United States government, following an official statement from US President John Biden who expressed his heartfelt condolences for the huge death losses. The devastating landslide occurred around 3am on Friday, May 24th, destroyed up to a hundred houses and homes, burying people under stones and rubble in Mulitaka village, about 40…

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Bogia Open MP and Minister for Energy, Robert Naguri, joined the National Coalition Camp this morning (Sunday, May 26th). This latest exodus makes the 6th State Minister leaving the Marape-Rosso Government, indicating a show of no confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister (PM) James Marape, who has likened these defectors as trimming ‘fat’ off the government. Wosera-Gawi MP Joseph Yopiyopi and Goilala MP Casmiro Aiya also made their commitment to change the government by joining the Sanctuary Camp as of this morning. With the pulling out of the three MPs, the Marape Camp currently has 38 MPs. This number…

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Prime Minister (PM) James Marape has described the departure of 18 MPs, including five ministers, from the Pangu Pati camp on Saturday night, as a ‘blessing in disguise’. He likened them to ‘excess fat in government’ that needs to be ‘trimmed’. Social media has been on fire since last night over the defection, as the lead-up to the Vote of No Confidence (VONC), which is anticipated to happen after Parliament resumes on Tuesday, May 28th. Police also have been given operational orders towards the VONC, as the country waits to see if a change in government will take place. The…

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The country’s newest police officers, who graduated on Friday, May 24th, from the National Centre of Excellence, formerly known as the Bomana Police Training College, in the National Capital District, have been urged to remain disciplined, committed, and loyal in their law enforcement duties. Internal Security Minister Peter Tsiamalili Junior, the guest of honor at their passing out parade, emphasized this message to the 217 police graduates, 26 of whom are female, in the presence of Police Commissioner David Manning, heads of various law and justice agencies, diplomatic missions, and the graduates’ families and friends. “I want to challenge and…

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The first intake of the Police Recruits 2023 will pass out today (Friday, May 24, 2024) from the National Centre of Excellence, formerly known as the Bomana Police Training College, just outside the city of Port Moresby. The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) anticipates the presence of Prime Minister James Marape today to present awards at the pass-out parade ceremony for the first intake of 223 police recruits. Police recruitment in Papua New Guinea has been an ongoing initiative the Government of Papua New Guinea has put in place since 2022. The main purpose of PNG police recruitment is…

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Out of more than 5,000 illegal settlers at 9-Mile, Bush Wara in NCD, one squatter, Mr. Jack Wemin, has voluntarily begun vacating the land after receiving two eviction notices. Mr. Wemin began dismantling the first of his three structures this week. He said he does not want the property and materials to get destroyed, so he has taken a proactive approach to move out early, with less than 50 days remaining before the Eviction exercise commences. The Sheriff’s Office together with the Police, continues to remind and encourage illegal squatters to start dismantling their properties now and relocate to ensure…

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Former Madang MP, Nixon Duban, and a senior public official have until November 4, 2024, to make restitution payments to Yagaum Rural Hospital in Madang after their jail sentences were suspended. The court decision, handed down early this month by Justice David Cannings at the National Court held in Madang, sentenced 47-year-old Duban and the senior public official Helen Kanimba for misappropriating K600, 000 intended for Yagaum Rural Hospital. The funds, sourced from the National Gaming Control Board, were meant for hospital infrastructure and medical equipment. The Gaming Board funds were parked in the Madang District Treasury operating account, which…

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Water PNG announced that it had lost about 7 million liters of raw water per day due to vandalism on its water assets in NCD, which had caused a water disruption for city residents in some parts of Port Moresby over the weekend. In a public notice, the Management of Water PNG Limited stated that an attempt to carry out an illegal connection, by unknown persons, damaged the raw water main at Rouna 1/3 that supply more than half the raw water to the Water Treatment Plan. This then impacted the production and supply of treated water to Port Moresby…

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The long-awaited Community Development Agreement (CDA) – proper for the Pogera Mining Project began this week on Monday, May 20, in Wabag, Enga Province. Negotiations are being held at the Enga Teachers’ College and are anticipated to go on for up to three weeks, according to Mining Minister Muguwa Dilu, when he officially launched the CDA process on Friday, May 17, in Pogera. The CDA process aims to negotiate benefits for landowners and stakeholders under the Mining Act of 1992. Minister Dilu said the CDA process was a government process catered for under the Mining Act 1992 and various other…

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NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika has called for urgent reforms to address the corruption within the police force in the National Capital District (NCD) and Central Province. Speaking at the NCD/Central Command police parade in Port Moresby on Friday, May 15, Met. Supt Sika emphasized the significant impact corruption has on effective policing, urging officers to cease misconduct that wastes taxpayer money and tarnishes the police force’s reputation. “We all know that these parades, quarterly parades, for the last four months are very, very important and critical and they are spread out clearly under CSOs and administrative manuals that every…

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