Author: Joshua ARLO

The Registrar of Political Parties in Papua New Guinea, Emmanuel Pok, and today (Tuesday, June 4th) clarified the legitimacy of Finschaffen MP Rainbo Paita’s recent political movements, asserting that his nomination as Alternate Prime Minister is in accordance with the constitution. “Honorable Rainbo Paita and the twelve members who have defected Pangu Pati to formally resign is fake news,” Registrar Pok stated. “Our constitution allows that because Section 50 of the Constitution gives the right to any Member of Parliament to occupy a public office, and the office of the Prime Minister is for anybody, any Papua New Guinean.” He…

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Spokesperson for the defected Pangu Party members in Opposition, West New Britain Governor Sasindran Muthuvel, said they support the upcoming Parliament processes and they are prepared for the week’s sitting. He confirmed that Private Business Committee will review a corrected motion of no confidence against Prime Minister James Marape, initially filed on May 29. He explained that the original motion was missing one of the required 12 signatories, which has since been rectified and resubmitted last Wednesday by Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa. Governor Muthuvel said Speaker Job Pomat and Deputy Speaker Koni Iguan have confirmed receipt of the corrected motion,…

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The Opposition Leader, Douglas Tomuriesa has slammed the deployment of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force in Port Moresby for operations relating to the vote of no confidence, recommending the acting Chief of Defence Force to have them recalled immediately. However, the Defence Minister Dr. Billy Joseph has responded by defending the call out, clarifying that the PNGDF is neutral, providing necessary support to ensure the Capital City’s security. The PNGDF, are part of a joint force unit, put together to assist the NCD/Central command police since the resumption of Parliament on May 28th, as the much-anticipated Vote of No…

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Prime Minister James Marape visited the landslide-affected Maip-Mulitaka area of Porgera-Paiela District in Enga on Friday May 31st, offering K20 million in immediate disaster relief to the Enga Provincial Government. “Although I may be late, the government, through relevant departments and agencies like National Disaster Centre and PNG Defence Force, acted promptly in attending to the disaster,” he said when he met and talked those affected by the May 24 disaster. Accompanied by Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas, Defence Minister Billy Joseph, and Hela Governor Philip Undialu, Marape met and talked with people affected by the devastating landslide, which claimed…

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The European Union has allocated K621,000 Emergency Aid to landslide victims in Enga Province. European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Mr. Janez Lenarčič announced on Wednesday May 29th, an initial Euro 150,000 (PGK 621,000) for immediate emergency assistance to the people and communities affected by the devastating landslide in Mulitaka, Pogera District in the Enga Province. A statement issued, reveals that this funding, to be channelled through the humanitarian agencies already present on site, will prioritize the provision of basic and essential items for the people displaced by the landslide. The statement further said that this emergency funding is to be…

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The United Kingdom has also given humanitarian assistance to PNG for the landslide disaster in Enga Province that has claimed over 2, 000 lives. The supplies contain shelter, sanitation and kitchen equipment. On Wednesday, Defence Minister Dr Billy Joseph, witnessed by Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas, received the humanitarian aid disaster relief (HADR) supplies from British High Commissioner to PNG, Her Excellency Anne Macro. Minister Joseph thanked the Government and people of UK for the assistance. Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas also expressed his heartfelt gratitude on behalf of his people. Minster Joseph received the donation after he and Sir…

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Prime Minister James Marape announced this week in Parliament a review of the national budget to manage the rising costs of natural disasters, which have reached K500 million. This decision follows the recent devastating landslide in Mulitaka, Enga Province, which has claimed over 2000 lives. Speaking in Parliament, Prime Minister Marape emphasized the urgent need for a budget adjustment to cover the financial burden of multiple disasters this year. “Before the Enga landslide, disaster costs were already at K500 million.” These expenses include relief efforts and the reconstruction of essential infrastructure affected by events such as the Simbu landslide, flooding…

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The Opposition side, the country’s Alternate Government is ready again to challenge the leadership of Prime Minister James Marape. This morning before parliament resumed a little after 10am, Opposition Leader Douglas Tomouriesa presented the motion in the Speaker’s chambers, who received it and it was noted down by Leader of Government Business Peter Tsiamalili Junior, the Minister for Internal Security and Regional Member for Bougainville. They did not waste time, arriving in full force in Parliament Chambers almost 10 minutes before Government members arrived. Parliament spent the next few hours until 12pm expressing their condolences for victims, survivors and families…

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Foreign Affairs Minister and Member for Moresby South, Justin Tkatchenko, announced recently that new homes for the Kaugere Academy staff will be ready by September. During his visit to the construction site on Friday, May 17th, Minister Tkatchenko said he is confident the 12 self-contained units will be finished and approved by the NCDC, Building Board, and Education Department by then. The new homes are being built to provide better living conditions for the academy’s teachers. Each unit will have two bedrooms, a kitchen, a lounge, and a bathroom. “We want our children to get the best education, and that…

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Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa has called on the Government today during parliament session to immediately release K250, 000 to help assist the people in the Mulitaka LLG in the Enga Province. He said, disaster is everyone’s responsibility and of the house of Parliament. He said, K250, 000 is not enough and has urged both sides of the house to put money aside to help the people of this great nation when disaster strikes. He also stated that, the people of Kiriwina Goodenough who were hit by a recent drought are still waiting on supplies of medical drugs to be airlifted…

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