Author: E’lle-Gore Yasi

Papua New Guinea Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PNGEITI) has thrown its support behind the Government’s decision to delay the passage of the Gold Cooperation Bill and seek wider stakeholder consultation. Mining Minister Muguwa Dilu at the consultation workshop on 15th April said that all stakeholders would have the chance to provide proposals for amending the controversial Gold Corporation Bill. Stakeholders are expected to submit their recommendations for the possible amendments to the bill in the next 6 months, before it reaches the parliament. PNGEITI Executive Director Mr. Lucas Alkan said there must be transparency in all phases of discussions and…

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The Tokarara Secondary School Headmaster Mr. Gabriel Manga urges active students to focus on their studies especially grade 12 students with National Exams just around the corner, including grade 10 students. Acknowledging the Tokarara Secondary School’s most recent encounter of ineligible Grade 8 students requesting grade 9 spots have captivated the attention of Tokarara Secondary School Headmaster Mr. Manga to encourage active students to prevent such outcomes from happening. Mr. Manga expressed appreciation and concern to active students who have been successfully eligible to proceed to the next stage in High School and Secondary School and to keep their focus…

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The United State Indo-Pacific Command visited Papua New Guinea to identify and expand further development of joint infrastructure on April 30th – May 2nd, under accordance to expand additional development capabilities within the PNG Defense Force. This scoping mission is in support of the recently signed and ratified defense cooperation agreement. The joint infrastructure will accelerate disaster response, enhance security cooperation, and further strengthen our bilateral relationship as it promotes and improves the capability of the PNG Defense Force, increasing stability and security and security in the region. The joint agreement will see coordination between the U.S team members in…

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The Papua New Guinea Rugby Competition remains confident it will overcome the flight cancel and delay issues due to fuel rationing into shortage. With this rapidly evolving situation and despite its challenges, a decision to play games from the original draw that have reduced flight travel will be scheduled in the next few rounds. PNGRFL General Manger of Pathways and Performance Mr. Tony Archer emphasized the need for remaining agile to ensure that the competition continues despite the current challenges encountered. “We are determined to bring exciting Rugby League for our fans and supporters while we navigate the flight issues.”…

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The Tokarara Secondary School Head Master Mr. Gabriel Manga urges National Government to consider broadening the Flexible Open Distance Education (FODE) scope to be more available and accommodate intermediate and junior High School drop outs. Despite Tokarara Secondary having a successful student registration early this year, a high number of grade 8 students who fell below the required National Exam percentage flooded the registration week requesting a grade 9 spot for the academic year. According to Mr. Manga, the Tokarara Secondary School was unable to cater these students due to simply being academically ineligible, and their acceptance would be deemed…

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The Orei ward 1 and 2 People Association of Imbongu District in the Southern Highlands Province (SHP) has taken the initiative to redevelop poor government infrastructure and services in their communities. People’s Association President, Mr. Steve Nomondo told PNG Hausbung that the Association members have a lot of plans to bring to light, but lack funds to carry out these development plans. However, Mr. Nomondo was pleased to mention that the first successful application development plan under the Community Grant from the Digicel Foundation of K50, 000 for the redevelopment of Orei Health Centre, is currently in progress. “We focus…

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