Title: Mufasa: The Lion King (2024) Director: Barry Jenkins Rating: PG Genre(s): Adventure, Action, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Musical Run Time: 1hr 58mins Stars: Aaron Pierre ∙ Kelvin Harrison Jnr ∙ Tiffany Boone ∙ Kagiso Lediga ∙ Preston Nyman After young lion cub, Mufasa (Aaron Pierre) gets separated from his parents, he stumbles upon Taka (Kelvin Harrison Jnr), another young lion but of royal descent whom Mufasa befriends and eventually grows to call a brother. Destiny however, causes their bond to be tested overtime revealing who is meant to be the lion king. Mufasa: The Lion King would be great addition…
Author: Aseneth WAIDE
Youth Resource Week, a highly anticipated 6-day event set to take place from January 6th to 11th, 2025, was established in direct response to the negative impact of Black Wednesday on Papua New Guinea’s image and young people. The event is a proactive attempt meant to contradict the dominant societal narrative, which frequently reduces young people’s options to pursuing regular schooling and seeking conventional work prospects. The primary objective of Youth Resource Week is to empower young people by offering them practical answers that overcome traditional limits and provide several paths to achievement. The initiative envisions these avenues as working…
Port Moresby Nature Park is thrilled to welcome back its Kids for Conservation Program on January 7th-8th, 2025. Offering an engaging and educational experience for young participants, this program is tailored for children between the ages of 6-13 years old and provides a unique opportunity to delve into the fascinating realms of nature, conservation, and culture. At just K40.00 per session, children will be able to immerse themselves in a variety of activities led by the park’s dedicated educators. Through interactive nature walks, fun games, and hands-on learning experiences, kids will deepen their understanding of the natural world while having…
Since its premieres and screenings late last year, ‘Plesman’ a movie by Jona Film Production has gotten a lot of positive reviews from audiences, as well as debates and critiques on social media. Speaking to PNG HAUSBUNG, Director of Ples Man, Mr. Ramanathan Undiapah, explained that different people respond the products of filmmakers differently and it is crucial to pay attention to the right people. “There’s the genuine audience; folks who watch a film without any preconceived expectations – they immerse themselves in the story, and if they don’t enjoy it, they provide honest and constructive criticism.” “As creators we…
Title: High School Musical (2006) Director: Kenny Ortega Genre(s): Musical Run Time: 1hr 38mins Stars: Zac Efron • Vanessa Hudgens • Ashley Tisdale • Lucas Grabeel • Corbin Bleu • Monique Coleman High School student and small-town star athlete Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), falls for nerdy transfer student, Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Anne Hudgens) at a New Year’s Party. Upon returning to school, Troy and Gabriella audition for an upcoming musical which breaks the school’s norms. High School Musical carries underlying themes of breaking societal norms, stepping outside of your comfort zone and starting over. Although the film utilizes the typical…
Tent City Seventh Day Adventists (SDA) Adventurer’s Club were fortunate to visit Port Moresby Nature Park for the very first time, on Monday December 30th after travelling from Lae, Morobe Province. Their visit was intended to inspire and motivate the club’s young explorers, who range in age from newborns to eleven years old. They decided to investigate the wonders of Port Moresby Nature Park as part of their trip. Before starting a Nature Walk trip across the park, the SDA Adventurers Club was given a quick introduction to the Cassowary by Nature Park’s Education Manager, Ms. Shirley Mogi, and her…
On Thursday, December 26, Prime Minister (PM) James Marape traveled to Bougainville to take part in the historic celebration of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s 100th anniversary, which marks a century of community involvement and service in Bougainville. The occasion, which commemorated the church’s founding in 1924, attracted thousands of people, including local authorities, church leaders, and citizens from throughout the country. PM Marape received a hearty welcome at Kieta’s Aropa Airport, which was emphasized by a magnificent Police Guard of Honour. As the region commemorates this important milestone, the ceremonial inspection demonstrated the discipline and dedication of the Autonomous Region…
The Green Angels, or the ambulance officers of the National St. John Ambulance Service (NStJA), were hard at work keeping communities safe during the holiday season while families celebrated Christmas throughout the country. The National Capital District (NCD), Central Province, Morobe Province, and East New Britain were the four provinces where 18 ambulance teams were on duty every day. These teams responded to 227 emergency situations between 6:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and 6:00 a.m. on Boxing Day, providing life-saving treatment where it was most needed. St. John responded to a variety of emergencies, such as car crashes, difficult deliveries,…
Teachers throughout the country still face issues regarding their leave fares even after schools close and festivities reaching its peak. Utmei Secondary School’s Principal, Mr. Benard Manau, who spoke on behalf of his teachers stated that all his teachers had already received their leave fares however, they still encountered setbacks. “Although our teacher’s received their fares, they did not receive the expected amount.” “Me for instance, I applied for my quotation which stands at K33, 000, however, they only paid me K7,500.” When asked if the Education Department has explained the situation, he stated that there was no explanation provided…
Prime Minister James Marape has urged churches to serve as the unifying factor and anchor of Papua New Guinea’s ethnolinguistically varied populace. When he declared that the government will be heavily involving churches in celebrations of the 50th anniversary of independence in 2025, the prime minister made the call. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister met with pastors and church employees from across the nation during a Christmas luncheon in Port Moresby city where he reminded the spiritual leaders of the importance of integrating people into a loving culture that is based on God, the Creator. “If we do not secure…