The Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) Commander, Major General Gilbert Toropo, on Friday signed the all-important Gateway Accord, wrapping up a very successful 2021 Commander of Defence Force (CDF) Retreat in Port Moresby.
The signing saw the PNGDF Senior Leadership Team (SLT) declare their commitment to continue to actively execute Defence reform through effective, transparent, and courageous leadership.
Commander Toropo explained that the two and a half days Retreat was to charter a way forward for the PNGDF through the restructure, plus good leadership, and guidance from leaders in the force.
“In any organization, without planning and direction, the organization will be distorted. So, what our Senior Leadership Team has done in two and a half days, is to charter a way forward for the PNG Defence Force so that every sub- branch within the Defence Force know exactly what each other is doing so that we can do our business as usual.”

The SLT has affirmed that they will set the pace for the delivery of the agreed Commander’s priorities, for modernization and professionalization of the PNGDF in 2022, and beyond in the focused delivery of the Force 2030 Vision.
During the Retreat, the team was also updated on the progress of the Defence Assessment and White Paper and reviewed the Three-Year Plan and then had a very informative and useful update and discussion on Force 2030 and how they are going to look to create a future Force – Defence 50.
Commander Toropo also challenged his SLT to define what it takes to be a senior leader and translate it into tangible actions as senior leaders of the defence organization.
“The onus is on every member of the SLT to set the tone, behaviour and character of the defence organisation,” he said.
“My challenge to you all now is to live the foundations of the Kumul Leadership Framework – Lead Self, ensure that all those who you impact and effect in the course of your work, deliver on the ideas and intents you have articulated to me.”
The 2021 Commander of Defence Force Retreat, which took place at the Gateway Hotel, started on Wednesday 7th July, and ended on Friday 9th July .