Jnr Viginuts or Jnr Vigi, a trio group made up of brothers who were inspired by prophet songs sung by legendary band Viraks Clan of Keapara whilst growing up in the village are proving that they are a band to watch out for in the PNG Music Industry after releasing their hit song ‘Love Ana’ early this year.
The group was first introduced into the PNG Music Industry spotlight with their hit single ‘Vavine’ in 2019 which featured Solomon Islands’ sensation and International Artist, Jaro Local which was a hit in that year.
‘Love Ana’ which means ‘owner blo love’ in the local Keapara dialect is a story about two high school lovers. The song is written from the boy’s perspective.
Head over heels in love for his girlfriend, he did not know that she was seeing someone else despite being in a relationship already. Whilst on a date, she told her boyfriend that she could not continue the relationship with him anymore. Respecting the girl’s decision and not begging her to stay, he accepted her decision to move on but told her that as long as she owns his heart, he would remain happy with that regardless.
This new single, ‘Love Ana’ has been on the Yumi FM Top20 Countdown for approximately 12 weeks and has been on the number one position for 6 weeks straight.
The band was Artist of The Month in June for the Yumi FM Local Strings Wantaim Nescafe Original 3 in 1 where they performed an acoustic version of their new hit single.
The trio consists of Adrian Ola (Drian), Emmanuel Ola (Min Jah Gan) and Amini Mape (Aimz) who all come from Keapara village or famously known as Hood Lagoon in the Rigo District of Central Province.
“We were inspired by our grandparents to start singing as a group as they were so instrumental in influencing us with this passion we now have.
It was just a hobby and still is, but we never thought that this hobby would bring us this far to the point where we are at right now,” said Emmanuel.
“Our late grandparents (Ola & Voi Ila) were the ones who actually inspired us since they both would take us along with them for church fellowship,” Emmanuel added.
Since entering the PNG Music Industry, Jnr Viginuts have performed in various clubs like the Cosmopolitan and Club Illusions hosting gigs and have featured artists as well.
“We also perform on special occasions like birthdays, fundraisers and also weddings but what we enjoy the most is singing at Haus Krais (mourning houses) because in a way, we are giving back to the Lord in return of the many blessings he gives us every day,” Emmanuel said.
The group so far have collaborated with other talented artists such as J-Liko, but what really brought them into the spotlight was the collaboration in which they featured Solomon Islands’ very own singing sensation Jaro Local in the song ‘Vavine’.
“That was a dream come true for us to have collaborated with an International Artist like Jaro Local,” Emmanuel said.
Emmanuel expressed thanks and gratitude on behalf of the band to all their fans, friends and families in PNG and abroad who have been supporting them since day one.
“All your love and support are contributing factors that have helped us in building our music career,” the band leader said.
“Most importantly, we try to not let negativity on our career get into our head.”
“Staying humble is best for us and we are most thankful to God for answering our prayers,” Emmanuel further concluded.