The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) officially signed a contract with Dustin Chen, a UK-based wildlife photographer, on Tuesday 11 March to position the country as a premier global birding destination.
TPA stated that renowned for his stunning photos of PNG’s diverse avian life, TPA will engage Chen as a consultant for the development of PNG’s National Birding Trail.
“The agreement is set to run from April 18, 2025, to April 18, 2026, with TPA providing logistical support and funding.
Under the agreement, Chen will lead the identification and mapping of key bird-watching hotspots, conduct capacity-building programs for local birding guides, and contribute to the creation of high-quality visual content to enhance TPA’s marketing of this unique niche market to the world,” TPA stated.
TPA said Chen has been instrumental in bringing international attention to PNG’s extraordinary birdlife.
“His award-winning photograph, Dance of the Flame Bird, received high commendation in the ‘Behaviour: Birds’ category of the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition in 2022. Capturing a male flame bowerbird in a captivating courtship display.
Through his extensive work, Chen has travelled to PNG many times to document the country’s birds, from the dense rainforests of Kiunga to other remote birding locations teeming with rare and endemic species.
His expertise in the field will be crucial in shaping Papua New Guinea’s first structured National Birding Trail, aimed at attracting international birdwatchers and conservationists,” TPA said.
Chen highlighted the importance of the partnership with TPA.
“Based on my experience traveling across South America, Asia, and Africa, I am confident that PNG has the potential to become a leading destination for birding tourism.
Birds of paradise are unique to PNG, making them a major attraction for bird photographers and tourists.
By working with local communities to establish feeding stations and hides, we can create sustainable tourism opportunities that benefit both conservation and local livelihoods,” said Chen.
Chen also said that he was excited with this opportunity to promote PNG’s bird watching market.
“With proper product development and promotion, PNG can attract high-value birding tourists who contribute significantly to the local economy. I am excited to collaborate with TPA to make this vision a reality,” said Chen.
Chen’s objectives with TPA focus on enhancing Papua New Guinea’s bird-watching tourism by identifying and validating prime bird-watching locations to establish a National Birding Trail.
“His work includes conducting national training sessions for local birding guides and site managers, ensuring they have the necessary skills to support birding tourism.
He is also tasked with capturing and delivering over 500 high-resolution images of PNG’s iconic bird species, including the renowned Birds of Paradise.
He will develop structured birding itineraries ranging from 7-day to 30-day options, catering to diverse visitor preferences. As part of his efforts to position PNG as a premier birding destination, he will represent TPA at the 2025 Global Bird Fair in the UK,” TPA stated.
TPA’s CEO, Eric Mossman Uvovo emphasized the importance of this partnership in enhancing the country’s global standing in nature-based tourism.
“We are privileged to have Dustin Chan here to help us develop the national birding trade. Birding is a niche market in Papua New Guinea with huge potential, and this partnership will set a foundation for its growth.
PNG remains one of the best destinations for birding. Our focus is to develop this niche product to harness its full potential, benefiting local entrepreneurs and communities. Our commitment remains undivided. We appreciate this partnership with Dustin and look forward to working together to complete this important project,” said Uvovo.
Uvovo reiterated the benefits of nature-based tourism in PNG.
“We have over 700 bird species, including 38 Birds of Paradise found nowhere else in the world, PNG is a world-class birding destination.
The development of the National Birding Trail will not only enhance PNG’s eco-tourism sector but also empower local communities by equipping them with the skills and resources needed to sustainably manage bird-watching hotspots throughout the country,” said Uvovo.