Prime Minister James Marape announced that as Papua New Guinea celebrates its 50th Independence anniversary, the country will undergo a structural reset for the next 50 years.
A key aspect of this reset is adopting the nation’s Christian identity, as outlined in the National Constitution’s preamble, following last week’s constitutional amendment.
The Prime Minister said just as the country’s founding leaders had their vision to structure the country with Independence in mind, PNG has now arrived at its 50 years and the time for this generation of leaders to continue this vision by enhancing the country’s structures and mechanisms.
“In the face of our 50th anniversary, this body of leaders continue to entrench our country’s Constitution, its structure of government, its laws, and our national identity. After 50 years, we have both the benefits of hindsight and foresight to carry this work forward. Where our founding fathers had only the advantage of foresight, we can look back and make adjustments where adjustments are
“There are countries in the world, such as many Islamic States, that have made a deliberate choice to openly and formally acknowledge their religious identity.”
“So, we, too, have made a deliberate choice to be identified with the universal God by putting Him in the rightful place in our country as the Creator,” said Prime Minister Marape.
PM Marape once more reaffirmed the existence of Constitutional freedom for people of other religions in the country.
“Let me be clear that in no way do these additions to the Constitution restrict the right of individuals of other faiths from practicing their faith. Section 45 preserves the right to freedom of choice of religion and practice, and this remains unchanged.”
PM Marape went on to refute over-generalized arguments criticizing that the Christian identity is contradictory to the problematic scenario that PNG has
found itself in because of its socio-economic issues.
“Many people are getting this point wrong whether from lack of knowledge or for the sake of creating an argument to push their political point-scoring. But this declaration will not automatically and miraculously heal and make the country better.”
“To fix PNG, everyone must work. Work is a key principle of the teachings of Christianity. Genesis 2:15 talks about God tasking Adam to work. So, the Christian ethos demands that we work. We must use our hands to work the land God has given us.”
“Another teaching of the Bible is the 10 Commandments, which points out moral values; values to respect God and respect each other. Using this, men must respect and value women.”
“Only when we truly observe and live our lives according to the teachings of the Bible, then will we see the country prosper,” said the Prime Minister.
PM Marape stated that these changes are timely as they are part of the body of work going into embedding PNG as we mark the 50th Independence anniversary going forward.
“At this time, we must pass laws that entrench our national identity, amplify the work we are continuing to do, revitalize the structure of government whether in the Public Service or the provincial governments, the police, judiciary and all other areas of government to take this country to the next level in the next
50 years.”
“I commend the wisdom of the 81 Members of Parliament who have supported our Christian Nation label within our Constitution. This will help to set us at a right space and frame of mind to work better and harder at this pivotal moment in our history going forward,” said PM Marape.