The first sitting of parliament for 2025, which was dedicated to the Late Sir Julius Chan, closed with a traditional ceremony held at the parliament house by the people of New Ireland to call the spirit of Sir Julius for a final farewell, leaving the parliament house and the office of which he once occupied while as New Ireland Governor.
The “custom wok” began at the steps of the National Parliament at 5pm where the first part of the traditional ceremony took place. There to perform the ritual were the deputy governor for New Ireland along with the Maimais (chiefs), traditional dances and the various Local Level Government Presidents representing their various constituents in New Ireland province.
The ritual was performed to call the spirit of the Late Sir Julius to come back with them when they leave for the New Ireland and return back to his home in Namatanai.
The ritual was witnessed by the Members of Parlaiment, the Prime Minister James Marape, the Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa, the Acting Speaker of Parliament, the Parlaiment Clerk and the family of the late Sir Julius and parliament staff. They MPs also participated in the ceremony.
The second part of the traditional ceremony took place in the State Function room to complete the final call of spirit ritual.
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