Raikos Secondary School, a rural boarding school in the Rai Coast District, Madang like their counterparts will also sit for their Written Expression exams on June 6th, 2024.
School Principal Mr. Earnest Saweang told PNG HAUSBUNG that 316 students will sit for their exams, an increase from last year’s student numbers.
Preparations were already underway in the weeks prior to exam week.
Saweang stated that due to disturbances last year, the school had been conducting weekend classes to help students catch up with lessons they missed as far as 2023.
“Discipline is a major focus this year – we are getting our students in order, as last year we had a lot of disturbances.”
“The school’s environment compared to last year has gotten better.”
They also sat for two mock exams prior to exam week.
“Initially, our English teachers revised the papers with the Grade 10s in their respective classrooms.”
“However, this arrangement was later changed so we had all the students gathered together so the teachers can help them recognize their mistakes with the corrected papers.”
He believes his students are now ready for their exams.
Raikos Secondary School is located on the south coast of Madang Province and is only accessible by boat.
It takes approximately 2 – 3 hours to reach the school and may take longer if there are rough seas.