While others celebrated the beginning of a new year, the Port Moresby General Hospital welcomed 25 babies, from 12midnighr to 12noon on the 1st of January 2024.
All the dedicated nurses, doctors and allied staff of the labour and post-natal wards welcomed the safe delivery of 16 females and 9 males of babies and the care of their mothers.
Most of the mothers had their babies delivered normal accept one mother underwent caesarean while the other mother was assisted with the vacuum and delivered her baby girl safely and still under close observation.
Thus, her baby was the heaviest with the weight of 4.5 kg.
Another young mother, Gino Wahe was very happy to have her first baby boy born on the New Year. The 19-year-old Gino comes from Gulf but resides in Port Moresby.
Gino gladly thanked doctors and nurses for the safe delivery of her first child.
Among the mothers was also a 15-year-old girl who gave birth to a baby boy on New Year.