The past three years has seen significant and positive strides in combatting transnational crimes, particularly trafficking of illicit substances.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Special Operations Donald Yamasombi told PNG HAUSBING that over the past three years, a number of people have been apprehended whilst being in possession of illegal drugs.
He said through the Transnational Crime Unit [TCU], they have been able to achieve a number of goals that set, by working with international partners through information sharing and other aspects of their partnerships.
“The transnational crimes unit and through this conduit, we have established connections communication lines with our international partners like the Australian High Commissioner through the Australian Federal Police.”
Another positive outcome from this set up saw the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary link up with the United States Homeland Security through Operation Saki Bomb which saw the police conduct a large bust on a container carrying 169kg of Methamphetamine and also led to the introduction of the Controlled Substance Act 2021.
With the Country being identified as a transit point it is no wonder that many of those involved in this illegal exercise have been apprehended on PNG soil are PNG nationals and alarmingly a few happened to be members of the security forces.
This year alone has seen 16 people arrested over possession of the illicit substances and trafficking.