The Minister for Information Communication and Technology, Timothy Masiu has announced that the Ministry is initiating a review for the Communication Technology Act.
He says since it’s passing 14 years ago, the sector has undergone drastic changes and there is a need to look into it.
“Since the passing of the National ICT Act 14 years ago, the ICT Sector has transformed drastically and there is an urgent need to take into consideration sector developments including critical digital infrastructure, data governance, cyber security, fintech, artificial intelligence, digital skills, and cloud technology.
He adds that the telecommunications and broadcasting market and industry has seen such a large growth and there is a need to review their approach and options for the regulating spectrum management, market structure and others.
Masiu added he has been taking different approaches under the current legislation, with respect to the current internet prices, to commence inquiries into to try to reduce both wholesale and retail prices but to minimal results.
“I am of the view that the National ICT Act 2009 including the fundamental policies to which it is drafted upon requires a comprehensive review.”
The Minister has now given directives for a technical working group to be established and jointly led and resourced by the Department of ICT and the National ICT Authority.