More than five patients were tested covid-19 positive last week at the Migende St. Joseph Rural Hospital in Simbu province.
In a report from Sister Erickeve Kiae, some were admitted at the hospital while others were advised to get treatment and stay isolated in their homes.
Sister Kiae added, after getting treatment the patients are all recovering from home and the hospital is back to stable operation attending to other patients.
Moreover, the hospital is privileged to received supplementary supplies of medical kits from NGO’s that contracted to the Provincial Health Authority.
“Basically, we receive our supplies monthly and on top of that we receive medical kits every six months”.
“The medical kits help us a lot because when there is low stock of drugs, we depend on the supplementary supplies”.
Besides that, hospital is operating with a total of 36 staffs and they are working beyond their shift to make sure patients get medications.
Meanwhile, the management of the Migende St. Joseph Rural Hospital is now working in partnership with Simbu Provincial Health Authority after they signed the service level agreement in December 2022.
Mrs. Kiae stated that the partnership is great step to improving their service at the hospital and they anticipate receiving supports from the Provincial Government in terms of logistics and resources.
She highlighted that they have been working together for some years without an agreement which they were not able to access funds from the DSIP.