The Prime Minister, James Marape, MP announced yesterday that he will miss the country’s Independence Celebration, next Friday, 16 September 2022. He advised following the signing of the book of condolence at the government house today that he will be in London for the official mourning period, and the funeral service.
“About three years ago, all realm countries were advised of very specific details of the program involving heads of governments and heads of states when our queen dies. This somber and solemn occasion is now before us. These prior sealed plans have now been revealed and activated for our collective participation. I will be travelling to London to be part of the official mourning and funeral program next week.”
The Prime Minister will travel to London together with the Governor General, Sir Bob Dadae to participate in the official mourning period, the lying in State, and the funeral service of the late monarch, Queen Elisabeth II, before a private burial. “It would be my honor to represent our people in the islands, the mountains, the valleys, and the rivers to convey our deepest condolences to the Royal family on this sad occasion of the passing of the queen of Papua New Guinea. And while it would mean missing the important 47th Independence Celebrations, it is a monumental time, as a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, to be in London to mark the changing of guard in Buckingham Palace.”
The program also provides an opportunity for the Prime Minister and the Governor General to meet King Charles III to express our collective grief at the passing of his mother, and to also offer our congratulations at his ascension to the throne. “The Governor General and I, together with our spouses, are scheduled to meet King Charles III on 16 September 2022. Ironically, the then Prince Charles represented Her Majesty at the Independence Day in 1975.
I will get an opportunity, on behalf of all the people of Papua New Guinea, to congratulate him on his ascension to the throne on our 47th Independence Anniversary.” The Deputy Prime Minister Honorable John Rosso will be the acting Prime Minister during the period when the Prime Minister is away and will preside over the 47th Independence Celebrations next week.