The member for Kompiam Ambum Sir John Thomas Pundari has explained that his move to the government ranks is purely in the interest of the people he represents in his electorate.
“Over the last few weeks our people have watched on as we their elected leaders have been in political camps. There are underlying reasons for the politics that have been played.”
Sir John said as mandated leaders, their first and foremost duty is to act for and on behalf of the people they represent.
“The New Year fast approaches and the leaders that crossed the floor today have put politics aside for the interest of our people to pass the National Budget.”
He said one of the fundamental issues that lies beneath the political movements over recent weeks has been Porgera.
He said as Engan leaders, Hon. Tomait Kapili and himself are very concerned that Porgera reaches a favourable outcome for the Landowners, Province and Nation.
He added the issue on Porgera amongst others, has been in the forefront of our decisions and as elected representatives of their people they have a duty to ensure that they are not silent as the future of the mine is discussed and the SML is renewed.
He asked when there will be another time to ensure their people’s concerns are addressed? For 30 years, they have been operating under an SML Agreement and the expiry presents the only opportunity for them to do it right.
“Hon. Kapili and I demand we do this right.”
He said for these reasons they have done what they have done.
“Politics aside we must always put our people and their interests before all else.”