The results of an investigation into the death of late Rex Wanzing following a surgical procedure at the Port Moresby General Hospital last year has again been raised in Parliament yesterday.
East Sepik Governor Allan Bird directed the question to the Health Minister Jelta Wong during Question Time on the outcome of the investigation as well as what direction victims of medical treatment in public health system should seek if in such situations.
“I understand the parents of late Rex are asking for answers and we’ve raised this on the floor previously,” Mr Bird said.
“Is the minister able to speak to the parents on this floor because there was an investigation conducted and I would like to know if a finding has been made.”
“If so, has that been made available to the family? If not, why not?”
He further said apart from late Rex’s case, there are others who sometimes suffer from treatment but do not know where to seek recourse because there is no clear pathway to go about doing that.
“What opportunities for recourse or compensation are available either through the public health system or some other system? If so, could the minister make that known to our people?”
Mr Wong in response said the report of late Rex’s case has been completed and has been brought to his office.
“We are going through our legal process and administrative process to ensure that everything is in place before we talk to the parents,” Mr Wong said.
“I’ve spoken to the parents and had set up a date next week to sit down with them with the secretary and our lawyers so that we can work through this process.”
“The compensation claims and all this is a normal government process which we all follow and the attorney general will be with us in the meeting and will let us know what the punishment and compensation amounts are,” Mr Wong said.