The Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) is set to hold its final consultative meeting with representatives of all rugby league associations and stakeholders of four (4) provinces in the New Guinea Islands (NGI) Confederation at Rabaul, East New Britain Province this Saturday July 24, 2021.
PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka said consultations will be around the establishment of Provincial Boards, Confederation Boards and the new Governance & Management Framework for the PNGRFL under the ‘New Ireland Model’ reforms.
“The PNGRFL board and management will meet with presidents of 17 affiliate members and women’s and school’s associations who expressed their interest earlier this year in the NGI Confederation, stakeholder representatives from Provincial Governments, Provincial Franchises, Provincial Police Commanders, Provincial Business Councils, Provincial Health Authorities and Provincial Sports Councils of the four (4) Provinces,” Tsaka said.
He said the 17 leagues from each province comprise of: AROB – Buka RL, North RL, East New Britain – Rabaul RL, Gazelle RL, Kokopo RL, West New Britain -.Kimbe RL, Soi RL, Mosa RL and New Ireland – Lihir RL, Namatanai RL, Kavieng RL, Tanga RL, Matalai RL, Madak RL, Tabar RL, New Hanover RL, Musau RL.
“It is important to note that under the ‘New Ireland Model’ Governance and Management Framework, the provincial and confederate boards are empowered with delegated powers and responsibilities by the PNGRFL to manage all rugby league programs within their respective jurisdictions consistent with the 2021 PNGRFL Season Calendar,” Tsaka said.
“As such, it is imperative that all representatives and stakeholders of the sport in the New Guinea Islands Confederation attend this important consultative meeting to effectively work with the PNGRFL to grow and develop the game in their local areas.”
The meeting starts at 1.00pm on Saturday July 24, 2021 at Rabaul Community College, East New Britain.
Please confirm your attendance by 5.00pm on Friday July 23, 2021 and /or for further information, contact via email Toksy Nema; Arnold Krewanty –; and NGI Development Officer Solomon Darius in Kokopo.
Tsaka said consultative meetings with the other three Confederations – Highlands, Southern and Northern – have been held with ‘positive’ feedbacks.